Microsoft C Coding Standards Document

Microsoft C Coding Standards Document 3,6/5 7322 reviews

The naming conventions, coding standards and best practices described in this document are compiled from our own experience and by referring to various Microsoft and non Microsoft guidelines. There are several standards exists in the programming industry. This creates a problem when linking to C code as C function names are not mangled. When calling a C function from C the function name will be mangled unless you turn it off. Name mangling is turned off with the extern 'C' syntax. If you want to create a C function in C you must wrap it with the above syntax.

Coding standards as much as possible. Project Coding Standards. These standards shall be based on the coding standards in this document and on the coding standards for the given language(s). The project coding standards should supplement, rather than override, the General Coding standards and the language coding standards. Factors that influence security requirements include (but are not limited to) the legal and industry requirements, internal standards and coding practices, review of previous incidents, and known threats. These requirements should be tracked through either a work-tracking system or through telemetry derived from the engineering pipeline. Naming-convention / C# Coding Standards and Naming Find file Copy path. Why: consistent with the Microsoft's.NET Framework and easy to read. The naming conventions, coding standards and best practices described in this document are compiled from our own experience and by referring to various Microsoft and non Microsoft guidelines. There are several standards exists in the programming industry. Nov 16, 2010  1 – IDesign C# Coding Standards. IDesign C# coding standards is a pretty decent and compact (27 pages) Coding Standards Document. It covers a Naming conventions, Best practices and Framework specific guidelines. Example: The document even has guidelines for project settings, build configuration, versioning etc. Good work by IDesign guys.

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Active1 year, 11 months ago

Is there a Coding Standard document available for download from Microsoft ? I want to use their standards, mainly for C#.


Microsoft C# Coding Standards

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6 Answers

If you're using C#, you can learn Microsoft's preferred style as you code by running StyleCop on any code that you write. It's a lot easier to learn that way than trying to absorb some huge document.

Jonny CundallJonny Cundall

Also look at Microsoft Developer Center: Patterns and Practices, though some of that is more high-level than just coding standards.

9,1118 gold badges47 silver badges81 bronze badges

The patterns & practices Guidance Explorer

'is a tool that enables discovery, composition and consumption of high quality development guidance. Guidance Explorer installs with a connection to the patterns & practices guidance library including performance and security topics for .NET, ASP.NET, and ADO.NET applications. The guidance library contains a variety of guidance types including checklists and guidelines covering design, implementation and deployment topics.'

Remote desktop manager license key. So, this will be a bit friendlier than one big document and will let you:

  • Find relevant patterns & practices guidance
  • Build customized checklists for your development scenarios
  • Build customized guidelines for your development scenarios
  • You can build custom sets of guidance and share with your team as recommended practice.
  • Subscribe to an RSS feed of guidance
4,1444 gold badges30 silver badges44 bronze badges

MSDN is a great place to start a search for anything related to programming on Windows. You can start with:

Remember there is no one size that fits all and conventions/standards change from team-to-team, language being used etc.

93.5k16 gold badges115 silver badges177 bronze badges

If you wants guidelines published by Microsoft, google them or use links in other answers.

But if you want 'standards used in Microsoft's own code' - there isn't a single answer. Microsoft is a big company with many divisions and acquired code, so each project or product has it's own style.

Even style of .NET Framework itself is slightly different from what StyleCop suggests.

My point is, paying more attention to those guidelines and white papers than Microsoft itself does might be not be a good idea.

Microsoft C Coding Standards Document Download

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Coding Standards Document Template

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